(306) 700-3519
November 01, 20233 min read

Meet Ruby Beyer, FFUN Motor Group Assistant

Let's meet Ruby, the Motor Group Assistant at FFUN. She joined the company nearly four years ago, initially starting in the sales department, as is the common entry point for most employees. Ruby soon transitioned into finance in a brief stint at Kia Saskatoon. However, her passion for service soon took precedence. With the guidance of Andrew Donlevy, she found her calling on the service desk within the Business Development Center (BDC). As time went on, the various BDC teams merged, and Ruby found herself at North Hyundai, which is now the FFUN Cars location. At that time, she seized the opportunity to lead the BDC team. Over approximately a year, or perhaps a bit longer, Ruby took on this role and excelled, though the exact timeline may be a bit hazy - according to Ruby.

We wanted to sit down with Ruby to get to know her beyond her time spent at FFUN.

Where are you originally from?

Ruby is from a place 30 minutes outside of Saskatoon, called Allen, Saskatchewan and is known for its rolling hills.

Do you have a favourite vacation spot?

As a well-travelled person, Ruby’s favourite place is Vietnam. She loves it so much that she would go every year if she could because in her mind, they have the best beaches, food, and people.

What are some bucket list items you have?

Out of all the questions asked, this was probably the easiest for Ruby to answer. The first item she would like to cross off her bucket list is to learn how to surf; but not just learn - become so good that other people want her to teach them. Ruby’s second bucket list item is to go crab hunting or fishing in the South Australian ocean, and step right off the boat on an abandoned beach and cook her catch on an open fire.

If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you would do?

If Ruby won the lottery, the first thing she would do is give a lot to her parents because (to her) they are the best people in the world. The second thing she would do is rent a castle and invite all her friends and family for a massive game of hide and seek.

Describe yourself in one word.


Do you have a favourite food?

Ruby admits that it's kind of a problem! For her, tacos are just irresistible, and she would (truly) eat tacos morning, noon, and night as well. For Ruby, it's like they have this magical power to make every meal amazing.

Pineapple on pizza, yes, or no?

Ruby was very serious about this question. She believes that if people say no to pineapple on pizza, they are just trying to be cool and they’re lying. With that being said, I think it’s fair to say that she is 100% for pineapple on pizza.

What do you love about working at FFUN?

Switching gears to a more “serious” question, Ruby said what she loves most about working at FFUN is the people. With a slight smile, she admits that she loves working for her boss, Rob. In the same sentence, she also said she loves her work plant, Bob.

What does our new theme, “Let’s Go” mean to you?

Proud to be part of FFUN, Ruby defines, “Let’s Go,” as a recognition of all the work we’ve done over the past few years and understanding where we can go from here. She believes that we have it all set up and put in place, with the best team, so we can focus on projecting up and making sure that FFUN is the best company to work for.

What do you like to do in your free time?

In her free time, Ruby enjoys spending summer days engaged in golfing with both her family and friends. Whenever an opportunity to venture beyond her usual surroundings arises, she visits Vancouver to reunite with her best friend in British Columbia.

What’s your favourite ice cream flavour?

She asked us not to judge her with her favourite flavour being Pistachio.

How long would you survive a zombie apocalypse?

Ruby (with confidence) says she would be part of the top 1%. With her ability to haunt she feels that she would have a strong community supporting her on a journey up north. Ruby contemplates finding an abandoned fly-in fishing camp and residing there while living off the land.

-- Written by Kasandra Martell